I am a Group Leader in the Food, Microbiome and Health Programme and the Post Graduate Research Director at the Quadram Institute. My research focusses on understanding the mechanisms by which dietary polyphenols are metabolised, absorbed and exert health benefits, with a focus on interactions with the gut microbiome. This knowledge is also used to inform the development of foods with health benefits that are supported by scientific evidence.
I coordinated the EU FP7 BACCHUS project that focussed on developing the science to support health claims for food products containing bioactive peptides and polyphenols (http://www.bacchus-fp7.eu/) and the EU EIT-Food PERNUG project, and have been a partner in several other European projects including FP6-FLAVO, FP6-BaSeFood, FP7-ATHENA, the JPI-Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life project MaPLE and H2020 twinning project PhenolAcTwin with the TUBITAK institute.
I organised the successful 1st International Conference on Food Bioactives and Health (September 2016) and Bioavailability 2018 conferences in Norwich. I am an editor for the Mol Nutr Food Res and Nutrire journals. I have published more than 220 refereed publications, been cited >22,000 times and have an H-index of 75 (Google Scholar).